
Exclusive Track Premiere: Becerus – “Obfuscated by Imbecility”


Surely, you can’t Becerus.

Adorned in naught but your battle loincloth, you crouch by the watering hole, all both of your thoughts swirling: GORBO THIRSTY and GORBO SCARED. You recently lost your best cavepal to a sabertooth at the Thecodontion show, and your precious few synapses are working at full throttle to avoid becoming a fanged feline’s fricassée. Suddenly: BONK. Welcome to the Stone Age, when low brow (ridge) death metal stalked the land with comically large club in hand, ready to wallop anything with an even more tragic IQ.

Becerus are champions of this style of trog death (or NeanderTHALL, if you will), dragging knuckles to dust with each muddy tremolo riff and rapid-fire guttural. While “Obfuscated by Imbecility” has the intellectual depth of a giant ground sloth, the composition is quite lively for a sub-3 minute track, with myriad tempo shifts and riffs ranging from snappy, palm-muted Cannibal Corpse fare to the nauseous, dueling trems of Swedeath. (If the vocals bring the blunt force trauma, the drums and guitars represent sharp stones embedded in the wood.) Halfway through the song, the band stumbles upon a monolith straight out of 2001: A Space Odyssey, uplifting cognition just enough to eke out a tasteful lead before succumbing to stupidity once more. If anyone visiting this article could read, I’d say Becerus are the new masters of the Mesolithic.

Troglodyte releases December 20 through Everlasting Spew Records.

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