First Listen: Bedowyn – “I Am the Flood”


We’re streaming a track from Bedowyn‘s upcoming full-length Blood of the Fall.

“Oh, that darn Toilet blog only covers extreme music that makes my fragile wittle eaw dwums huwt,” you nerds always say because you’re determined to be wrong about everything. For the moment put aside your blast beats, your harsh vocals, and your HM-2s. Today we’re streaming a brand new track from Raleigh, North Carolina’s own Bedowyn.

Bedowyn play a style of sludge-y rock and roll. The band seems to be thoroughly indebted to the titans of Georgia sludge, Kylesa, Mastodon, and Baroness. Indeed, fans of the latter will hear immediate similarities not just in the driving instrumentation. Alex Traboulsi’s vocal performance immediately brings to mind the forceful melodies of John Baizley.

“I Am the Flood” offers your first taste of Blood of the Fall, the band’s first full-length, out May 27th on Via Nocturna. Listen below.

Blood of the Fall is out May 27th on Via Nocturna. Get it here and follow Bedowyn on Facebook.

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