
Flush It Friday: I Have Menial Tasks For You


It is Friday. Lookin’ forward to the weekend, buddy? Got big plans? Gonna take the kids upstate? Good stuff, man. Good stuff. But first you’ve gotta fill out all this paperwork for me. You’re gonna wanna tackle this project ASAP if you hope to get home before dinner tonight.

Are you ready? Here’s the things I need you to do, in order.

1) Like Toilet ov Hell on Facebook. It just takes a click. Easy enough, right? Next –
2) Follow Toilet ov Hell on Twitter (for bonus points, follow me and 365 Days of Horror too)
3) Follow Toilet ov Hell on the ‘gram (That’s Instagram for you squares). Our buddy Dilt is working up new content for you right now.
4) Rate and review the Toilet ov Hell podcast on iTunes. We’re 55 reviews from beating the MetalSucks podcast on the iTunes chart and BUDDY I wanna beat ’em.
5) Scroll down to the very bottom of this page and enter your email address to sign up for the Toilet ov Hell newsletter. What will you get? It’s a surprise! Just kidding, it’s more Toilet ov Hell
6) Scream the good word of the Toilet in the face of every non-false man, woman, and child you meet.

All done? Great work, champ. You deserve to knock off a little early today. Go drink six beers.

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