A Flame in the Dark Volume 2

A Flame in the Dark 2015

HAIL, WARRIORS! Check out this power metal compilation!

As some of you may know, I like power metal quite a bit. Some of you may remember that last summer, my blood brother and fellow warrior Frank Zaber and I released a United States power metal compilation album titled A Flame in the Dark. America has a burgeoning power metal scene with a ton of phenomenal bands, many of which we have written about here on the Toilet. We are proud to work with so many excellent people and feel privileged to help spread their music to potential new fans.

Frank and I are thrilled to announce that the 2015 edition of A Flame in the Dark has been unveiled. Featuring 11 of the best American power metal tracks recently released, we are confident that we have once again staked our claim as the greatest US power metal compilation album. We were fortunate enough to retain Matthew Cohen as our artist (you can see the full image here.) The track listing is below, with the artist link taking you to the band’s bandcamp, and the track link taking you to a YouTube link of the song.

  1. CelladorHonor Forth
  2. A Sound of ThunderTower of Souls
  3. Dire PerilPlanet Preservation
  4. Enceladus Ethereality
  5. Judicator Nemesis/Fratricide
  6. Tanagra The Path To Talmor
  7. Everthrone Under A Burning Sky (live)*
  8. Helion PrimeThe Drake Equation
  9. Infidel RisingReflections
  10. Automaton – Æther Flare (live)*
  11. Forevers’ Fallen GraceIron Will

* Videos are only live because there are currently not YouTube clips for the song. We have studio quality tracks for the comp!

Only 600 copies have been pressed, and will be shipped out to bands/contributors. If you want to get your hands on a copy, be sure to find the band closest to you and go to one of their shows! For any of you attending ProgPower, we will be handing out copies for free to anyone who wants one.

Just like last year, the compilation is 100% free. Frank and I do this for no other reason than to help our friends find new fans. If one person finds one new band because of our work, we consider it a success. We believe in our nation’s power metal scene, and want to help spread the fire to as many souls willing to burn with us.

Find any new bands because of A Flame in the Dark? Hit us up on our Facebook page, or post about it in the comments. ¿Por que no los dos?

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