I See a Red Door and I Want It MS Painted Black: The Return of the Contest


[Staind voice] It’s been awhile.

Almost a year, in fact, since the last one of these contests.  A lot has happened since then, most things safely filed away in the shit cabinet. But we move on. We live, we persevere, and we make art. Beautiful, wonderful art.

We are lucky to have such a talented group to call brothers and sisters as we float together in this Toilet. Their skill is on display below where thirteen different Toileteers offer up their wares if you have coin.

As with the last time we did this, the rules were simple:

1. Create your own work of art based on a favorite album cover in MS Paint or a similar program (no stealing from that FaceBook page). Participants must SHOULD include the logo and album title if they’re included in the original art.

2. Post the original album cover in the #community-content room of Discord along with the participant’s “interpretation” by the end of Monday 11/16.

3. Anyone can join in because the results will be judged by the community as a whole.

4. The winner will be selected by THE PEOPLE OF DISQUS AND DISCORD. The winner will receive a BC digital album of their choice from me (except dumbass stuff like $666 placeholders).

That’s it. To view the original art, click on the link included with each submission. Roldy will post a comment for each entry in the Disqus comments. Please updoot for the submission you want to win.  For your vote to count, it must be an updoot to Roldy’s comment, not some other pleb rabble. Don’t be a Debbie Downvoter.


CarnificationMizmor – Cairn

CITRIN0Metallica – Metallica

A Spooky MansionMetalucifer – Heavy Metal Chainsaw

HansSkyforest – A New Dawn

Snooty McWordsQuestion – Reflections of the Void

Kenneth Q. Spongeman IV, Esq. MD DDS PhDDecembre Noir – The Renaissance of Hope

J.R.Unleash the Archers – Abyss

Skelet’alCytotoxin – Nuklearth

GoofOrigin – Unparalleled Universe

Emester(Thotseize) – Black Curse – Endless Wound

Drivel Headed Shill MachineEsoctrilihum – Eternity of Shaog

Gnu, etc.Manilla Road – Mystification

Roldyboi, the Owl of Our HeartsConducting from the Grave – Conducting from the Grave


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