The Worst Album Art Of 2024


2024, what is it good for?

We made it through another year. I don’t know how or why, but it happened. 2025 and beyond is looking pretty grim, but, hey, there’s still music, right? Of course, with music comes album art. Sometimes it’s good! Many times it’s bad! And we’re all about the bad here at Toilet Ov Hell.

Sadly, 2024 heavy metal album art was rife with the fake, nauseating stink of AI. Looking at these is like smelling a plastic bag melting on your car engine. I’ve included some examples on here, but rest-assured, there were many, many more. It’s actually a shame because some of those shitass bands would have had induction-worthy album art, but the instead they spent a total of 30 seconds typing prompts and got something passable enough to ignore while scanning Bandcamp. We’re missing out on bad sketches, awkward colors, baffling collages, and all-around terrible ideas. Think of the children!

As has been the case in years past, this is an incomplete and subjective list. Try to resist the urge to say “AkSh0AlLy, this isn’t that bad” or “this is tight/dope/whips” or whatever people say now. I know it’s hard, but you can do it. This is the time of year to come together and point at laugh at silly things. And no, I can’t do any better. That’s why I don’t bother in the first place.


You eat with your eyes first or something like that


“What if we put a clown on our cover, but, get this, it’s…..evil!”


All hail our giant, half-completed demon head lord guy thing.


The amount of clowns in heavy metal is just unconscionable.


Whoops! Sorry. Didn’t know this room was already occupied. My bad.


I like an a band has a theme and the theme for this one is take a bunch of acid and scream at your artist until they’re weeping. And no, I didn’t crop this weirdly. The 3/4 white border is part of the art.


Only SIQQ and TWIZZTID individuals will get it.


When that first sip of Tropical Punch hits and accidentally rips a hole in the time-space continuum, so The Doom Slayer has to use the BFG to kill the Kool-Aid man.


Every year Ballsqueezer puts out a new album and every  year I thank them for it.


Waiting for the extra strength Advil to kick in for my migraine.


“Why was I cursed with such long forearms! RAAAAHHHHH!”


“I poked you on Facebook. Why haven’t you poked me back?”


“Oh, yeah. That’s probably why.”


Is this anti-science? Anti-magic? Anti-hot doctor? All three?


Your paralysis demon just chilling in the corner, waiting for 3:30 AM


“Is there a copay?”


*Peter Gabriel noises intensify*


To be fair, this is what most Dream Theater fans’ houses look like.


I guess it was a big year for having these types of beds in your album art.

Or should I say, “th3s3 tYpe5 0F 8ed5”?


I don’t need to click. Just looking at this gave my computer a virus.


Old Man Thrash Brainrot


Hey! That’s a solid yellow line you’re crossing! Learn to drive, you maniac!


Troll 3, staring smudgy Mortiis


I hope all the vocals on this album are done by one of those broken English text-to-talk porn site voices that say shit like “Hor-knee womans is in your area looking for fuck”.




For some, the mid-90’s never ended. I envy those people.


This is just the roof of my mouth when I bite into a Totino’s pizza roll fresh out of the microwave.


Five Finger Da Share Z0ne


Which one is Lankester and which one is Merrin? Oh, right. Neither.


This is what you get when you accidentally spill Dimetapp on your phone in Hot Topic.


Oh, I’ve got plenty of questions for you.




Kikwear pants and Invader Zim t-shirt sold separately.


“Mom says it’s my turn to have an existential crisis.”


“Which filters did you use on this?”



Why is this band not named Hammer Dick?!?


Even the cow looks confused.


Trying to let the Devil know the warranty on his car has expired, but he never picks up.


Yeah, really accentuate Santa’s sack. Show us how full it is, practically bursting with presents.


Gollum for perverts


The Jolly Green Giant watches Killswitch Engage’s Jesse Leach while he sleeps.


When you get the “healthy” option and then realize it has more calories than something you actually wanted to eat.


*Chef’s kiss, but the chef is kissing with their butt*


And the universe says “LOOK AT MY ANUS PORTAL”


Marvel’s just not trying anymore.


MS Paint Blasphemy


I know artists that use subtlety and they’re all cowards.


It’s probably bad when someone laughs at you even in their sleep


This is how they mosh in Vladivostok.


At least it’s not A.I. That’s…..something.


“Bach” is the sound I make when I look at this.


You can’t just put Jared Leto’s face on your album and call it a day.


Awww, the vampire monks are shy. C’mere little fellers. It’s okay. We won’t hurt you.


Entry level? This isn’t even Part-Time Intern level.


Dorkus / / Malorkus


When you finally reach your deductible.


When you think about it, there’s really not enough evil roller coasters in metal.


This is what techbros see when they masturbate.




Getting a severe concussion and then eating a 20-sided die.


It’s a tale as old as time: a sad minstrel plays their song while showing off rockin’ sad minstrel cleavage.


This is what you receive instead of a diploma after completing Jordan Peterson University


The soundtrack to middle-aged parents having Thanksgiving alone because their kids won’t talk to them anymore.


Why do I get the sense that this will be labeled “Exhibit A” in a future trial?


Mom went out for cigarettes 8 years ago and never came back. GTA is my mom now.


I can smell this and dry-heaved a little.


Well that’s just an impractical Mrs. Claus costume.


They’re fuzzling your bum, Bro.


*Not associated with the band Night Demon, Gene Simmons, or Crow-era Sting


…until someone gives Slayer a garbage truck full of money to play at a festival again.


Wow, it really was the year of “Doofy demon with it’s mouth open” metal album art.


Everyone involved in making this happen should be shot out of a cannon.


Now featuring more shades of brown than there are members still in the band.


I didn’t know it was possible to want to punch an album cover.


There’s like 5 or 6 fetishes going on here. I will not kink shame any of them. I will shame anyone attracted to Maynard, though.


Did I miss any? Probably! Drop some other bad 2024 album art in the comments.

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