Nequient has a Scorcher for ya

It’s a scorcher in here! And I’m not talking about the sensation I get when I pee.
ARE YOU READY TO KICK OUT THE MOTHERFUCKING JAMS? Chicago’s Nequient is back at it again with a brand new record. Your first taste of Wolves at the Door is “Scorcher”, the opening track and a fitting introduction to an album that’s gonna punch through your door like the Kool-Aid Man, drink all your beers, and make you tearfully apologize to your dad for clearing out his booze stash.
“Scorcher” bursts to life with a godawful clatter and slams it into high gear with d-beat madness. Fans of Early Graves will welcome this track with open arms. The whole package sounds pristine thanks to ace performances from the band and the recording help of Pete Grossmann at Bricktop Recording. Doctor Kolkey, vocalist of Nequient shared a little insight into this track: “The lyrics are about toxic individuals with addictive personalities and the way they involve others in their drive toward self-destruction. ‘Scorcher’ introduces a key theme for the album, which explores how those bleak, fatalistic impulses can infect an entire culture.”
Wolves At The Door drops May 18th. Pick it up from Nefarious Industries on your choice of digital, CD, or cassette. Then go like Nequient on Facebook and tell them about your favorite comic books.