
“Firing Squad” is the first single from Nightmare Logic, the upcoming sophomore LP from Texas thrash malcontents Power Trip. It rips.

My dudes, I have been waiting for this moment for quite some time. From the first time I saw Power Trip at Chaos in Tejas 2012, I recognized that this band was a certified world beater. With every riff, every track, every set, they push themselves beyond their limits. For years, they’ve been tirelessly touring the world and destroying every venue brave enough to book them. There is simply no better modern thrash band than Power Trip. Fight me about it.

With “Firing Squad”, we’re finally getting a first taste of their second full-length record. My first impression is that it’s everything I was waiting for. The track bursts forth with the same intensity fans have come to expect, albeit slightly louder and clearer than previous outings, a hallmark of [NOTE: Oops. I’m honestly not sure who the producer is on this record]. By the time the breakdown barrels in, I’m ready to stagedive off my cubicle. This is a ripper.

NPR has the exclusive stream, so check it out there. I look forward to the upcoming Terry Gross interview with Riley Gale.

Nightmare Logic is out February 22nd on Southern Lord.

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