Premiere: Graveripper – Cherenkov Light


Grip it and rip it.

As we prepare ourselves to finally step outside of our protective domiciles, we’ll need the right song to traverse the toxic wasteland. Irradiated ghouls, super mutants, Q-Anon weirdos roam the land and we must remain safe. Vaccinations, masks, hand sanitizer and ripping blackened thrash metal will protect us.

Today, Indianapolis, Indiana’s Graveripper is giving us some metal thrashing metal with their new song Cherenkov Light. Fans of Power Trip, Skeletonwitch, and Toxic Holocaust will feel right at home with this all-out assault of riffs, grooves, and phlegmy vocals. Toxic Holocaust’s Joel Grind mastered the album, so yeah, you know what you’re getting into. Graveripper will make you grow a battle vest and flip up hat. Graveripper will make you a whirling dervish of death. Graveripper will make you a sexual Tyrannosaurus. Just like me.

About the song, Graveripper guitarist/vocalist Corey Parks says

“Cherenkov Light” is definitely the most in your face thrasher on the release. At no point does this song slow down to let you catch your breath. Musically it bounces back and forth between pure, mean thrash, but also has kind of a sci-fi thrash vibe to it. With that in mind, it inspired the lyrics to be something fictional. It’s essentially about humanity being destroyed by an army of Terminator-esque machines that are powered by ancient occult nuclear magic/power. Cherenkov light itself is a blue color emitted by Cherenkov Radiation, so I like to imagine these machines having an ominous blue light to them, like the magical aura that powers them. Going with the nuclear theme, Cherenkov light just made sense.”

Click play and experience Graveripper’s nuclear glow.

Graveripper’s album Radiated Remains is out on June 4th via Wise Blood Records. You can pre-order the album on Bandcamp. and be sure to Like the band on Facebook.

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