TMP: Gnaw Their Tongues, UADA, A Sense of Gravity, and More!


The end of the year is nigh. News seems to be slimming as the metal world stops everything they are doing to start their top ten lists. Will any of these little bits of news distract you for a moment? I hope so.

In weird black metal news, Gnaw Their Tongues set a release date of December 9. Check out a track below and get more info here.

Here’s the song Sepultura released on Thursday in case you missed it.

Heavy prog dudes A Sense of Gravity released their third song off their album coming out Friday. This is their best yet. Can’t wait for this album.

Brutal death metal band Beheaded has a new track out for streaming. More info here, album out January 27.

Move over Jimmy, there’s a new detective in town! Here me out on this total piece of speculation. Khemmis announced that they booked studio time in February. Now, at almost the same time, VERY SUSPICIOUSLY, Spirit Adrift announced a sale that would help fund “our side of a very exciting release that’s shaping up for next year.” BUSTED BY JOAQUIN! A split between these two would blow my nuts off. I can’t wait to say told you so.

  • The other weird Colin Marston project, Behold the Arctopus, released a surprise non-EP early last week.
  • Mathcore Index is releasing a free sampler with a bunch of bands, including Hadean, on Wednesday, so keep an eye on their bandcamp page.
  • Gojira is already saying that the plan for the next album is “we’re not going to turn into a super-extreme death metal band or something super-progressive. It’s going to be somewhere in between.” Which I guess means it will be heavier than Magma?
  • UADA are making some progress on their next album, according to their facebook.
  • Sawft prog metal band The Contortionist are in pre-production on a new album.
  • Black Anvil is announcing something tomorrow.
  • Grindy band Call of the Void released a new track from their upcoming album over at Clrvynt. Album out December 16.
  • Evocation signed to Metal Blade and will have a new album next year.
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