Slammin’ Album Premiere: Displeased Disfigurement – “Origin of Abhorrence”


South African slam. South Afrislam?

Slam into a Slam Jim, cuz we’re premiering the sophomore album from South African slamurais Displeased Disfigurement. Forming waaaaay back in 2001, the band honed their slam skills for years before finally debuting 2013’s Extermination Process. Since then, they’ve battled through some lineup changes and emerged slammier than ever with Origin of Abhorrence, their strongest work yet.

Opening with an intro track that is perhaps a bit greedy with movie quotes, borrowing from IT, Candyman, and Hellraiser; Origin of Abhorrence kicks wide open with one of the finest tracks on this record. “Parasitic Devourement” sets the tone for the whole record with pretty much everything I could hope to want from brutal death metal. Slam riffs? Check. Serious head-nod grooves? Check. Sewer sludge vocals? Check. Clickity-clack drum sounds? Oh hell yes, that’s a check. With songs like “Malignant Misery” and especially “LockDown” (lowkey the siqqqest track here), Origin of Abhorrence is a tasty package of brutalities that will thrill seasoned slam jockies and curious newbies. Hit play below and unlock the Code of Slammurabi.

Origin of Abhorrence drops this Friday, June 9th. Pick up the record from CDN Records, then cruise over to Facebook and give Displeased Disfigurement a like.

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