Premiere: Hate Inclination – “Subterranean Cosmic Abomination”


For when you need your death metal to be brutal and also extremely weird.

Disease Swept the Cosmos, the debut LP from one man death metal project Hate Inclination, is a deeply strange record. Combing the murky depths of brutal death metal alongside math-y avant garde sounds, Caleb Liles has delivered a seven track record that sounds unlike anything else I’ve heard this year.

Started in 2013, Hate Inclination released and later rerecorded a four-song demo before taking a multi-year break to hone his skills to record this album. Brutal and technical with a touch of melancholy melody, Hate Inclination’s “Subterranean Cosmic Abomination” is a savage taste of Disease Swept the Cosmos, and I’m stoked to premiere it here today. Listen as Caleb’s voice varies from a low, vomiting gurgle to a high, brittle rasp while the guitars groove and slam their way into a math-y shudder. Check it out below and pick up Disease Swept the Cosmos on Friday.

ALSO, we need to talk about how fucking great that artwork by Kirill Semenov is. A++++++

Pick up Disease Swept the Cosmos on Bandcamp and then go like Hate Inclination on Facebook.

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