This Toilet Tuesday (12/12/17)


It’s once again Toilet Tuesday, and you know the drill: new releases, tiny reviews. It’s a bit of a slow week, but Karhu and I have a couple of the more notable albums picked out for you. Hit that list and let us know anything we might have passed over.

Beastiality – Worshippers of Unearthly Perversions (Invictus Productions) [Black Metal]

While it may not be apparent from the get-go, Beastiality is one furious blackthrashing band. With plenty of classic speed metal influence to boot, these Swedes don’t fuck around. The guitar tone may be somewhat lighter than you’d expect, but leaving room for the well-rounded bass it only ends up highlighting the aggression and the riffwork, playing right into their hands. Worshippers of Unearthly Perversions is not the most memorable record of it’s kind, but it offers plenty of fun for Christmas and New Year’s parties soon to befall upon you. Which was most likely not the band’s intention, but you don’t get what you want. 12/15/17 (Karhu)

Vexovoid – Call of the Starforger (Earthquake Terror Noise) [The Other Vektor]
Listen to “Dead Planets Throne”

I don’t know if I can describe this any better than the genre tag; seriously, “Dead Planets Throne” sounds like it could have been lifted straight from Outer Isolation. There’s certainly a discussion to be had about imitation versus theft when it comes to things like this, but as Vexovoid aren’t directly ripping off any melodies, I’m just going to go ahead and call these the best David DiSanto riffs that David DiSanto didn’t write. Dumpster Lung noted that anyone put off by Vektor’s vocals might want to give this a shot, as this is much more “normal” for thrash. In any case, if sci-fi thrash is your thing, you’ll want to give this a go. 12/15/17 (Spear)

Außerwelt – Transitions (Independent) [Post-Black Metal]

Autopsy – Puncturing the Grotesque (Peaceville Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Puncturing the Grotesque”

Butterfly Temple/Путь Солнца/Омела/Антиллия/Reликт – Эффект бабочки – Своя земля (split- Soundage Productions) [Doom/Thrash/Death/Whatever]

Crestfallen Queen – No More Let Life Divide What Death Can Join Together (Independent) [Doom]

DeadClaw – Cold Defiance (Sun Stone Records) [Speed Metal]

Deathcult – Cult of the Goat (Soulseller Records) [Black Metal]

Deathmarch – Dismember (Black Lion Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Gastorture”

De la Muerte – Venganza (Revalve Records) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “De la Muerte”

Devilgroth – Ivan Grozny (Narcoleptica Productions) [Black Metal]

Devouring – Psalms Of Death (Base Record Production) [Death Metal]
Listen to “The Dethroned Messiah”

Dissociative Healing – Promo 2017 (Lord of the Sick Recordings) [Brutal Death Metal]

Espermorragia – Hatching of Macabre Curse (BDSM Records) [Brutal Death Metal]

Evilfeast – Elegies of the Stellar Wind (Eisenwald) [Atmospheric Black Metal]

Evil Impulse – The Unbroken Ritual (Independent) [Groove Metal]

Garhelenth – About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth of Tragedy (Satanath Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “To Impersonal Mankind,” “Destruction of the Will”

Godless – Omega Omnipotens (Crypts of Eternity Productions) [Death Metal]

Halphas – Dawn of a Crimson Empire (Folter Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Through The Forest”

Hamka – Multiversal (Fighter Records) [Power Metal]
Listen to “Inner Conviction”

Hegemon – Initium Belli (Independent) [Black Metal]
Listen to “A.A.”

Infernotion – Habits (Independent) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Center of the World”

Iperyt – The Patchwork Gehinnom (Pagan Records) [Industrial Black/Death]
Listen to “Mindtaker”

Iron Walrus – A Beast Within (Redfield Records) [Sludge/Doom]
Listen to “Crawling”

Iselder – Dechrau (Independent) [Black Metal]

Kinguts – Schizophrenic Universe (Swallow Vomit Productions) [Brutal Death Metal]
Listen to “Genitals Collector”

Lacrymae Rerum – The Flies (GS Productions) [Death/Doom]
Listen to “Laceration: The Razorwire”

Legba – Necromance (Independent) [Sludge/Doom]
Listen to “Necromance”

Marginal – Total Destruction (Transcending Obscurity) [Grind]

Midnight – Sweet Death and Ecstasy (Hells Headbangers) [Black/Speed Metal]
Listen to “Crushed By Demons,” “Penetratal Ecstasy”

Minors – Atrophy (Holy Roar Records) [Hardcore]

Morbosidad – Corona de epidemia (Nuclear War Now!) [(Nuclear) War Metal]
Listen to “Corona de Epidemia”

Nocturne – The Burning Silence (Talheim Records) [Black Metal]

Obscure Burial – Obscure Burial (Invictus Productions) [Blackened Death Metal]

Oracle – Into the Unknown (Independent) [Melodeath]

Organectomy – Domain of the Wretched (Independent) [Brutal Death Metal]
Listen to “Beckoning the Horrors of the Depths”

Sartegos/Balmog – Sartegos/Balmog (split- Caverna Abismal Records) [Black Metal]

Taiga – Cosmos (Symbol of Domination/Final Gate) [DSBM]
Listen to “Космос”

Velde – Fading Inward (Independent) [Instrumental Prog/Post-Metal]

Witchseeker – When the Clock Strikes (Independent) [Speed Metal]
Listen to “Speed Away,” “When the Clock Strikes”

Did we forget a new release? Is there a way we could improve this list? Let us know in the comments below!

(Images VIA, VIA)

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