
Premiere: Unmerciful – Infernal Conquering

Unmerciful Willowtip Records

Beg for Unmerciful

Break out the Geiger counters and get ready to crawl out from the fallout with Unmerciful. Featuring former members of Origin, the Topeka, Kansas-based brutal death metallers are ready to blast us with the force of a megaton bomb landing directly on your chest. I mean, they’re on Willowtip Records so you know you’re getting some real Plutonium-worth stuff.

Like a a shot from a Gamma Gun or a trip to The Glowing Sea, Unmerciful’s “Infernal Conquering” envelopes your entire body with the sickly green glow of radiation. Fast, tight riffs, rapid-fire drums, and gouging gutturals, the song harkens back to the early 00’s onslaught of Olympic Records-style death metal. This one is for people that like their metal mean. It’s unrelenting, uncontrollable, and…dare I say…Unmerciful?

Guitarist Clinton Applehanz says:

“Fear consumes as the winds of mankind’s fire render all to dust. A nuclear bomb is almost as intense as this song!”

I feel my skin melting and my eyes popping already. Click play and then duck and cover:

Unmerciful‘s fourth album Devouring Darkness is out on May 23rd, 2025 via Willowtip Records. The band will host an album release show on June 20 at Warehouse on Broadway in Kansas City, Missouri, alongside Torn The Fuck Apart, Garoted, and Hossferatu (absolutely amazing band name, btw).

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