RIP Steve Chambers of Hashteroid


I am deeply sad to bring the unfortunate news that Steve Chambers, the drummer of Vancouver’s Hashteroid, has passed.

A couple months ago, my good friend and TovH editor Dubya introduced me to Hashteroid by way of their 2015 EP Respect the Depths. I instantly fell in love with its four cuts of expertly crafted stoner metal, each boasting a balanced mix of reverence to genre stalwarts (see: Orange GoblinFu Manchu) and the band’s own character. One of the release’s highlights was Steve’s drumming: high-octane, pushing the whole band forward; creative, featuring plenty of killer tom fills and, most importantly, very tasteful.

Here is what the band had to say about his passing:

I wish the remaining members of Hashteroid and Steve’s family and friends all the strength necessary to endure through these hard times. Let us celebrate his life by listening to the great music he left behind.

(Photo by Asia Fairbanks VIA)

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