The Secret Life of Cymbals (Or, How I Learned to Love the Clink)
A quick search for “extreme metal drumming” on Youtube is guaranteed to return three things: George Kollias making his kick ... -
BREAKING: Metal Gnus
Hot off the press! News featuring – Metallica, Anthrax, Pantera, Megadeth, Despised Icon, Mgła, Swans, Disturbed, Bring Me The Horizon, ... -
Mini-Reviews from Around the Bowl: 07/28/2016
Once again for your grazing pleasure, it’s your weekly dose of mini reviews. Sink your fangs into Wired Anxiety, Feign, Infant ... -
TMP: Malevolent Creation, Goatwhore, Wormrot, and More!
My eardrums are still a little hungover from seeing Moon Tooth and Intronaut on Saturday, but Monday is a relentless ... -
Tech Death Thursday: Hectic and Shattered
Today, we dive into two very different styles of tech with Hectic and Shattered. Let’s get to it!