TMP: Necrot, Injested, Incantation, and More!



Some Necrot, album out August 26.

This Draghkar track seems promising.

New music from Blood Incantation.

Very deranged shit from Spirit Possession.

DM from Ingested.

  • Another Executioner’s Mask.
  • Brujeria made a Covid track.
  • Varaha released an EP, here’s a track.
  • More power stuff from Judicator.
  • Jesu is back.
  • Homewrecker has been completely homewrecked.
  • Loud noises from Full of Hell.
  • If you missed it in TDT, new Ahtme.
  • Inter Arma now covering Prince.
  • Check this AtrÆ Bilis.
  • New DM from Terminal Nation.

Sorry about this huge dump:

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