Premier: USELESS – “Anaesthesia Dolorosa” Lyric Video


Lyric videos?? In my raw black metal??? It’s more likely than you think.

USELESS: Who are they? I dunno. Where are they from? I dunno. What kind of amp setup do they use? I dunno. What I DO know is that a person or persons under the moniker USELESS will be releasing a 5-track black metal album called Absence of Grace in the coming months and that “Anaesthesia Dolorosa” is the 2nd track you can jam from that upcoming record. I also know that Anesthesia Dolorosa is a pain felt in an area of the face that is numb. Thanks Wikipedia.

We’re pleased to present this lyric video for “Anesthesia Dolorosa”. Things to watch out for and enjoy: propulsive tremolo picking, moderate-fi production, tasty melodic riff at the halfway mark, and the barf-inducing throat-destroying belch at the end of the track. Also included are lyrics.

Absence of Grace is out September 2nd on Third Eye Temple and preorders will be up soon on their site. USELESS are far too esoteric for social media, so I’d recommend ritual Bajoran death chanting until you can connect with them on Voidbook.

BONUS: Want more USELESS? Check out “When Demons Awake” riiiiiight here.

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