TMP: Xibalba, Void Omnia, Dead Congregation, & Tours Galore!


Despite losing all three games that I went to this year, the Cubs are in the series! Luckily I don’t have tickets for any of those games. Now, time for some metal news.

This festival looks dope.


Instrumental dudes Chronologist are set to release their next album on December 12. This song absolutely crushes.

Yet another Dark Tranquility song! Album out at the end of next week.

New song from Whores. Album out this Friday.

Here’s a new Ranger song. Album out December 2.

Witchery is a fun name. Can you turn other creatures into that tense? Goblinery. Ghostery. Frankensteinry.

Trees of Eternity released a new song off the album featuring the late Aleah Stanbridge.

A few old Asphyx members are in a band called Soulburn, who released a new song.

Greece’s death dealers Dead Congregation dropped their upcoming EP Sombre Doom onto YouTube yesterday.

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