Toilet Radio 207: The October Spooktacular Presents Audition


Happy October, nerds. To honor this, our spookiest month, we’re gonna be checking out a unique horror film every week. To kick things off, we’re tackling the Japanese horror film that shocked a generation and unfortunately inspired a whole genre of genuinely awful torture porn movies. We’re talking Takashi Miike’s 1999 masterpiece, Audition. To do it right, I’m joined by Merry Go Roundtable podcast host Carter Moon. He’s sharing his notes from working in the world of Hollywood casting and film school to help critique this gender role-destroying lynchpin of Japanese horror. Spoilers: We really, really dig this one. If you haven’t yet seen it, GO WATCH IT. Then join us for our thoughts on the peanut butter and jelly effect of metal + horror plus a discussion about a movie quite unlike any you’ve ever seen. And maybe one day I’ll figure out how to make my audio not suck shit over the first 30 seconds of the show.

Music featured on this show:
Church of Misery – “Make Them Die Slowly” from and then there were none

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