Toilet Radio 208: The October Spooktacular Presents In The Mouth of Madness


Happy October, nerds. To honor this, our spookiest month, we’re gonna be checking out a unique horror film every week. This week we’re joined by my lovely wife to discuss John Carpenter’s OTHER horror classic, 1994’s In The Mouth of Madness! Our sweet Sam Neill stars as an ultra-rational insurance fraud detective in the most accurate tribute to H.P. Lovecraft you’ll ever see on film. We’re chewing the scenery, talkin’ behind the scenes details, and marveling at the longevity of Frances Bay. As a bonus, check out that total Metallica rip-off that Carpenter composed for the theme. It rules. We’re also talking adventures at Austin City Limits Fest seeing Guns N’ Roses, The Cure, and some child named Billy Eyelash. Bro, do you even read Sutter Cane?

Music featured on this show:
John Carpenter – “Theme from In The Mouth of Madness”

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