Toilet Radio 209: The October Spooktacular Presents You’re Next


Happy October, nerds. To honor this, our spookiest month, we’re gonna be checking out a unique horror film every week. This week we’re joined by Nathan, who many of you will know as Kit’s co-host for I Hope You Suffer, a podcast dedicated to some real shit ass horror movies. We’re dragging Nathan out of his element to talk about a GOOD horror movie. That’s right folks, we’re covering 2013 home invasion horror comedy You’re Next. Basically, this movie is about a plucky young Australian woman trying her best to protect The Bluths from a team of murderers. Joe loves it! Nathan likes it! Jordan offers dissenting opinions! We’re talking about scream queen Barbara Crampton’s return to the screen for this one, and a whole host of lesser-known horror movies the rest of the cast contributed to. And because we just can’t stay away from the whole metal thing, we have to discuss Robb Flynn’s triumphant return to nü-metal alongside his loathsome new collaborator, Vogg from Decapitated. It’s a good one, folks.

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