Toilet Radio 214: The Duke of Diamond


We’re back and we’re ready to party. Let’s get to it: Two thirds of the show went to catch Idle Hands, Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats, and KING DIAMOND / A brief digression on bad football bets and a sad tribute to Deadspin (RIP) / Jordan was right—Slayer will never, ever quit / We just gotsta see Verotika. Why isn’t it out, dammit?! / My Chemical Romance is back and 30-something dudes are fucking AMPED / Frankie Palmeri ’bout to slide in your DMs, gurl. Give him some money so he can buy Funko Pops / The drummer of Walls of Jericho got popped with 650 pounds of weed. How much weed is that? Let me just grab a calculator / Kirk Windstein is putting out a solo album, let’s talk about what it should sound like instead of what it actually sounds like. It’s a good ‘un, folks.

Music featured on this episode:
King DiamondMasquerade of Madness

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