Toilet Radio 354 – They’re Funging Your Tracks, Bro


This week on Toilet Radio: Breno walks out on his job! (feat. rap air horns and farts) / 360-degree no-look tomahawk dunking on the Riff Raff podcast / Phil Labonte knows he’s getting boned by Spotify but is forced to grit his teeth and smile (feat. A BRAND NEW BRENOCIDE COVER YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS) / We examine our slurs-to-episodes ratio / The latest advancement in technology: Every band, including your shitty band, is getting turned into an NFT whether you want it or not. / We bought Vinnie Paul’s terrible house / New Kreator track! / Some 4Chan guy found the long-lost Godspeed You! Black Emperor album / Coach Taylor continues to inspire.

Music featured on this show: VeonityDive Into the Light

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