Toilet Radio 387 – Japanese Summer Vacation


Let’s enjoy these last dregs of summer before you’re forced back to school and/or the job you just decided to stop showing up for during the summer months. To celebrate, we’re taking an audio journey to Japan to enjoy the sights, smells, and sounds of a huge variety of Japanese metal. Let’s listen to some industrial noise, some death metal, some punk, some blackened power violence, some instrumental shred, and some J-Pop/Power metal.

Music featured on this week’s show:
Destrose – Nostphilia
G.I.S.M – Nations Prosperity
EndonYour Ghost is Dead
Vomit RemnantsProdigy of Solitude 
Rie aka Suzaku – Kingdom of the Sun

This program is available on Spotify. It is also available on iTunes or whatever they call it now, where you can rate, review, and subscribe

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