Toilet Radio talks reincarnation with FUCKED UP


We’ve got a righteous bonanza of a show for you this week, folks. Joe and 365 hash out the most pressing topics of the week including SXSW threatening international acts, Nazis getting mad about critical coverage, and Chris Barnes calling out Jose Mangin which is a real thing that actually happened because God is real and he listens to our podcast. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, we’re talking with one of the best Canadian punk bands to ever exist, Fucked Up. Join us as we discuss the latest entry in their Chinese Zodiac 12″ single series, Year of the Snake.

Music featured in this program:
Fucked Up – “Black Albino Bones” from Chemistry of Common Life (Facebook)(Purchase)
Hexist – “Ride With Demons” from Hexist EP (Facebook)(Bandcamp)

At almost 24 minutes in duration, Year of the Snake, Fucked Up’s latest is just a little too long to play on the radio show. Listen to it here and pick it up from Tankcrimes here.

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