Premiere: Æpoch – “Ozonihilation”


Hot new tech death coming your way

I’m not gonna mince words here: the new Æpoch EP is awesome, and if you like thrashy prog death, it’s essential listening. I talked about The Scryer in a little more detail last Thursday, but to recap, the album feels like a stripped-down take on the sound they established on Awakening Inception. That’s not a bad thing; it still hits hard and it’s got great riffs, but it’s catchier and easier to follow this time around. On that note, I’m pleased to present a new track from The Scryers, and one of my personal favorites from the EP:

The one-two punch of “Shrapnel Baptized” into “Ozonihilation” shows the best of what The Scryers has to offer: the former is a monster of a thrashy death metal tune (for which you’re going to have to wait a little longer to hear), where the latter represents the more progressive side of their sound. The guitar work is tight and melodic, but it hits like a hammer with the bass and drums backing it up. You’ll hear some pretty strong Death overtones in the riffs themselves, particularly in the harmonies and the winding conclusions to each phrase. The lead work is smooth as silk, too, and I love that tone- clean, but not sterile. It’s a great jam, and I know a lot of you are going to dig the full EP when it hits.

The Scryers is out on July 31st, available on Bandcamp. You can follow Æpoch on Facebook.

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