Tag: Progressive Death Metal
Defeated Sanity‘s newest record is a genre-defining masterwork. By massive death metal nerds, for massive death metal nerds.
The November rimfrost is upon us—no orifice is safe from the clutching claws of ice and enchappment. The best thing ...
On the third turd from the Sun, a Toilet blazes in perpetuity. In this great Terran bowl, all stories, all ...
Who flushes the Flusher? Who plunges the Plunger? These questions and more are at the heart fart of our very ...
Despite that title, I don’t regret this a bit.
In Montreal Metal, Technology Kills You. The world of metal has had a very interesting relation with the idea of ...
I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Derrick Vella and Payson Power of Tomb Mold to discuss their ...
Prog death is having one hell of a year, and I am thrilled to premiere another genre-pushing track by Rannoch.
What is this, a release for ants!? I’m going to need an album at least three times longer than this!