Flush it Friday: Unabashed Kipo Fan-Owl


Let’s get this out of the way quickly—if you’re too much of a metal alpha to watch an animated series intended for all ages, please stop reading and go find some edgy words in a thesaurus to prep for your Bardo Methodology interview. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (from the creators of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) is a pleasure to watch, and a deceptively deep series. Focusing on the post-apocalyptic interactions between “Mutes” (all sorts of mutated creatures) and humans, the show manages to maintain levity through an upbeat (and catchy AF) soundtrack and playful art style, while the specter of our unraveled society is never far from the viewer’s eyes. (For instance, upon stumbling on a toy karaoke mic, a battle-hardened character describes the item as a “hoot-hoot,” a piece of old technology used to scare away predators.) Kipo is colorful, full of loss, diverse in character representation and never condescends to any audience. It’s actually just a lot—kinetically and thematically. The 3rd (and final) season comes out next month, you have plenty of time to prepare! You know what you’re not prepared for? THIS HOT TOILET FIRE.

Karhu showed us September’s most endlessly gruesome forms:

September Roundup: Amputation, Black Magnet, Flagg, Kryptamok,,& Endless Forms Most Gruesome

Tha Boiz discussed the shidshow at Holy Roar Records and more on Toilet Radio:

Toilet Radio 265 – Breaking Pasta News

Hans gave us a lesson in sadness with Forlesen:

Review: Forlesen – Hierophant Violent

Mini reviews with BIG hearts:

Mini-Reviews From Around The Bowl (9/17/20)

How was your week? Whatcha listening to? How do you cope with the burning of the world? Let me know in the comments (G/B/U style, fam).

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