Toilet Radio 289 – BYE WEEK


On this week’s show we offer a preview of JOEY DEMAIO’S WORDS OF POWER podcast, we do a little ONLINE GAMBLING and take a few lessons from Trading Places, we ask the real question this week: why isn’t Creed playing the Super Bowl halftime show???, metal dudes whining about being on the road in a time when they can’t get on the road (feat. Randy Blythe punched in the nose), getting a rare COVID variant at a Toby Keith show, we reflect on the Dead Kennedy’s praise of Senate Republicans, and we have BIG QUESTIONS about Nightwish bassist Marko “Marco” Hietala leaving the band citing concerns about the Saudis (?) and also probably John Finberg. Boy this is a strange one.

Music featured on the show this week:

Celestial Sanctuary – Soul Diminished

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