Premiere: Ernia – “Q”


Q: do you like that weird shit?
A: hell yes

Ernia: you know ’em, you love ’em, and now they’re all grown up and signed to one of the best labels in the biz. It’s always nice seeing friends of this here Toilet coming back around, and it’s been a long four years since we last featured them around these parts. If you’re somehow unacquainted, Ernia deals in a similar trade as bands like Fuck the Facts and Gridlink; if you’re a fan of the more cerebral side of grind, then this is going to be straight up your alley.

As to our premiere today, a title like “Q” could be interpreted any number of ways. Being as my brain has been wholly rotted away by a steady influx of nerd shit for three decades running now, my mind immediately went to the infamous Star Trek villain of the same name. Much like the self-appointed judge of humanity, the song is menacing and unpredictable but with an unsettling sense of playfulness to it all. Every meaty death-metal-tinged riff is offset by a jaunty melody, keeping you on your toes as the song proceeds. Prep yourself accordingly and give it a listen now:

How to Deal With Life and Fail releases on July 22 via Transcending Obscurity. Check out the other tracks released and preorder it on Bandcamp or hit up the Transcending Obscurity store for more merch and buying options. Be sure to drop Ernia a follow as well.

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