Premiere: Atoll – “Eternal Prolapse”


Stuck at work with the mid-week slump? Atoll are here to cheer up your… rump. With filthy, filthy slamming goodness.

Are you tired of listening to the same old technical progressive atmospheric blackened math metal? Are you tired of lush mixes and melodic interludes? Are you tired of doors being slammed in your face when you apply for a job? Atoll aren’t about to change your perception or understanding of anything, but they’ll sure as hell give you the perfect excuse to mosh around in your cubicle. My only advice is that you don’t listen to them if your line of work involves sharp objects spinning at high speeds and/or alarmingly perilous heights. Not the best of places to try and hate mosh in (#safetyfirst).

If you happen to like any, several, or all of the following:

  • Bass frequencies
  • Gurgles
  • Chromatic riffs
  • Grooves
  • More gurgles
  • More grooves

…then you’re already a fan of Atoll and are wasting valuable SlamTime (TM). “Eternal Prolapse”; an exclusive premiere.

Fallout Frenzy will be out next November 17th on Gore House Productions. If this track is any indication, it’s gonna rip, so pre-order the album on Gore House’s bandcamp in your format of choice. While you wait until November, check out Atoll’s facebook page, throw a like around and grab their previous album here. Slam on, my brethren.

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