TMP: Tribunal, Singularity, 71Tonman, and More!


As you would expect, there was not a ton of new music released in the last few weeks. I wouldn’t have bothered posting if there weren’t a few good ones to report on.

Tribunal rules.

Nice tech from Singularity.

Big boy sludge doom from 71TONMAN.

  • Elder-y stoner doom from El Supremo.
  • Deathy death from Leper Colony.
  • Some big-name prog-metal dorks made a Christmas song and it sounds like they spent a solid hour writing it.
  • Sludgy doom from Dirge.
  • Industrial noisy stuff from Uranium.
  • Black metal from Imperial Demonic.
  • Blackened stuff from Atrocity.
  • Doom from Raum Kingdom.
  • ???
  • No.
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