This Toilet Tuesday (9/10/24)


O Dweller in the Dookie Duchy, O canorous Can, may your lid block out the cruel summer heat. This week we’ve got sun-chasing snakes, sleepy seas, and a meeting of crabs. The Bowl is full once more, so prepare the submersibles, we’ll be needing them to trawl the Toilet’s depths. Let us know what we missed in the comments!

Jade/Sanctuarium – The Sempiternal Wound (Pulverised Records) [Death/Doom]

The Sempiternal Wound‘s artwork forms a clear dichotomy between splitmates Jade and Sanctuarium. Jade’s triumphal melodeath (“Cascade”) spills forth as a river of fire, bolstered by its warm production and upbeat tempo; there’s a cathartic, passionate quality to these melodies that grounds the track in the living world, albeit one rife with conflict and suffering. Hanging above the flames is the bloated visage of Sanctuarium’s “Malodorous Osteophagy In Acrimony,” a song title I can actually smell. From the hollow, clanging intro to the subterranean slush of Carlos López’s vocals, this is death/doom so decayed even worms steer clear. Together, these bands have created a death medley dripping with influences from distant corners of the genre. Dig in, annelids! -Roldy

Aethyrick – Death Is Absent (Independent) [Black]

Agrypnie – Erg (AOP Records) [Black]

Apep – Before Whom Evil Trembles (War Anthem Records) [Death]

Black Citrus – Glass Mountain (Independent) [Stoner Doom / Sludge]

Breeding Chaos – Distant Planets (Great Dane Records) [Melodeath]

Crypt Crawler – The Immortal Realm (Independent) [Death]

Death Decline – Pattern of an Imminent Collapse (Independent) [Deathrash]

Decedent – S/T (Independent) [Death]

Denomination – The Last Companion (F.D.A. Records) [Death]

Ecliptic – Ĕrǫ Űg​ṭ​h​ĩ​ƚ​xi​ƨ​ƚ​eƨ Ḳm​ƀ​a​ṗ​ḳ​ǫ​s​ħ​i (Independent) [Dissodeath / Sludge]

Father Befouled – Immaculate Pain (Everlasting Spew Records) [Death]

Firtan – Ethos (AOP Records) [Black]

Flotsam and Jetsam – I Am the Weapon (AFM Records) [Thrash / Heavy Metal]

Gallileous – Dancing Ash (Prog Metal Rock Promotion) [Psych Rock / Doom]

Geisterfaust – S/T (Crawling Chaos) [Blackened Sludge]

Glare of the Sun – Tal (Lifeforce Records) [Doom / Post-Metal]

Hammerfilosofi – Solus (Independent) [Black]

Hand of Omega – The End of the Beginning (Cursed Monk Records) [Blackened Sludge / Doom]

Helevorn – Espectres (Meuse Music Records) [Death/Doom / Gothic Metal]

Insurrection – Obsolescence (Bam&Co-Heavy) [Death]

Isolert – Wounds of Desolation (Non Serviam Records) [Black]

Køldbrynger – Kold (Journey to the End) [Raw/Lo-Fi Black]

Las Trumien – Budowniczowie grozy (Piranha Music) [Sludge / Doom]

Legions of Doom – The Skull 3 (Tee Pee Records) [Doom]

Mass Disorder – Hupokrisis (Independent) [Deathrash]

Mechanix – Architects of Chaos (Witches Brew) [Thrash / Heavy Metal]

Mind Mold – Erosive (Independent) [Blackened Doom]

Mordkaul – Feeding the Machine (Massacre Records) [Melodeath]

Morticide – Death Cannot Hold Those with Purpose… (Independent) [Death]

Mynskh – Chapter II – The Last Messiah (Atmaah Records) [Prog Blackened Death]

NightWraith – Divergence (Independent) [Prog Melodeath]

Noen hater oss – Kunsten aa gjoere jorden ubeboelig (Dusktone) [Black]

Oceans of Slumber – Where Gods Fear to Speak (Season of Mist) [Prog Metal]

Paganizer – Forest of Shub Niggurath (Xtreem Music) [Death / Rogga Johansson Cinematic Universe]

Pincer Consortium – Geminus Schism (Deformeathing Production) [Prog Blackened Death / Industrial Metal]

Post Luctum – Forced to Watch You Wither (Meuse Music Records) [Death/Doom]

Putridarium/Trollcave – Swallowed by Rottenness (Seven Metal Inches Records) [Death/Doom]

Ramera – Midnight Funeral (Ossuary Records) [Thrash / Speed Metal]

Reconstructed Torso – Glimpse (Lord of the Sick Recordings) [Brutal Death]

Satan – Songs in Crimson (Metal Blade Records) [NWoBHM]

Shadow and Claw – Whereabouts Unknown (Independent) [Blackened Sludge / Doom]

Slomosa – Tundra Rock (Stickman Records) [Stoner Rock]

Stryper – When We Were Kings (Frontiers Records) [Heavy Metal / Hard Rock]

Succumbence – Fire Under the Bridge (Fifth Funeral Records) [Raw/Lo-Fi Black / Folk / Ambient]

Swampworm – Architeuthis (Independent) [Blackened Grindcore]

Taur-im-Duinath – Verso casa (Dusktone) [Black]

Thanatomorphose – Cold Cuts (Necrophonic Recordings) [Goregrind]

Tommy Stewart’s Dyerwulf – Fyrewulf One (Black Doomba Records) [Doom]

Torso – Brain Cells (APF Records) [Doom / Stoner Metal / Rock]

Trelldom – .​.​.​by the Shadows​.​.​. (Prophecy Productions) [Black]

Trip to the Morgue – Toe Tagged and Body Bagged (WormHoleDeath) [Crossover Thrash]

Unspeakable Carnage – Unbearable Weight (Independent) [Blackened Grindcore]

Velosity – Consuming All The Evil (Motorpunk Records) [Thrash]

Victory – Circle of Life (AFM Records) [Heavy Metal / Hard Rock]

Warpriest – Gloombreaker (Independent) [Doom]

Where’s My Bible – Kave (Inverse Records) [Symphonic Blackened Death / Groove Metal]

Öxxö Xööx – + (Lïnï Music) [Avant-garde / Doom / Gothic Metal]

Коса – split (Танцы до Неба Records) [Raw/Lo-Fi Black / Punk]

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