
Album Premiere: ADE – Supplicium


It’s like “Caligula,” but with less Malcolm McDowell dong.

I’m just gonna start straight off with the elevator pitch for ADE, because I suspect it’ll be enough to get the overwhelming majority of you interested: imagine a version of Nile that was all about ancient Rome instead of ancient Egypt. That’s it, review over, stab those like and subscribe buttons for more. But if that isn’t enough for you, then let me say that comparison is more than just a surface-level aesthetic comparison. They share some of those polished brutal-death-adjacent sensibilities, sure, but ADE eases off raw speed in favor of more spidery riffing. It’s equally frenetic, but for different reasons.

No, it’s the approach to the subject matter coupled with the musicality that truly draws the Nile comparison. These guys aren’t RETVRN dorks, nor are they jerking off over vague concepts of history and mythology à la Ex Deo. Rather, they look at how weird and fucked up Roman culture was, and they channel all of that into their music. It’s a time period that’s ripe for the picking for death metal lyrical content, and ADE’s harvest is most abundant indeed. From the band themselves:

After dedicating our work to historical figures and memorable events, we now return after six long years with the most violent and dark result of our musical production.
Laurels and glory give way to torture and sadism; legends and myths crumble before the brutal and merciless reality of ancient Rome—the malice inherent in mankind, both past and present.
‘Supplicium’ is nothing but the sum of the most perverse, despicable, and violent acts conceived by the minds of ancient Romans—rich or poor, innocent or guilty. Never before have we painted Rome in such deep shades of red to reveal its darkest side.
Traitors tied to chariots and torn apart, men devoured alive by dogs or morays—sometimes in punishment, sometimes for sheer amusement—incestuous orgies intertwined with violence and cannibalism, men and women burned alive in an act of pure contempt…
With a new, sharper, and more martial sound, enriched by authentic ancient instruments, we are proud to present our latest work—the ultimate carnal tribute to the god of death.

Supplicium releases on Friday, March 14th, via Time To Kill Records. Find all of ADE’s music on Bandcamp.

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