Katy Perry: Her SHOCKING Nü-Metal Past REVEALED


Before this bombshell brunette babe birthed bombastic Billboard bullets, was she bouncing (wit’ me)?

Oh Katy Perry. Did you think you could pull a fast one on the Metal tabloid press? Not with these hot shot journalists behind the boards, no ma’am!

A quick history lesson: Katy Perry began her career creating contemporary Christian music under her Christian name (eh? eh?), Katy Hudson. She later swapped “Hudson” for “Perry”, and crossed over to considerable fame in the world of secular Pop on the strength of two hilariously tone deaf songs about sexuality, “I Kissed a Girl” and “Ur so Gay”. She followed up her new-found success by marrying an inexplicably famous humanoid chode and getting upstaged by a superior artist at the biggest gig of her life.

These facts alone should be enough to convince any serious Metal fan to support a better Pop star. Adding another black mark to the singer’s already checkered past, Katy Perry was apparently once involved in that much maligned genre, the bane of trve metal heads everywhere: Nü Metal.

Back in 2006, the artist formerly known as Katy Hudson provided background vocals for Christian rap/rock/nü metal amalgamation P.O.D on the band’s single “Goodbye for Now” from their sixth(?!) studio record Testify. For those of you that somehow missed out on the experience of browsing through the CD racks at Family Christian Bookstore in the late 90s/early 2000s, you may remember P.O.D. from the soundtrack of misunderstood Adam Sandler opus “Little Nicky”. Or more likely, you’ll recall this embarrassing white-dude-with-dreads track that accompanied every C-grade action film trailer for the better part of a decade:


P.O.D. lead vocalist Sonny Sandoval explained the process of working with the flawed Pop star:

“We did Testify (2006 album) with Glen Ballard. Glen Ballard’s got a million Grammys, he’s worked with Alanis Morissette, he’s just an amazing, amazing man. So that was his protégé at the time. So when we did that song ‘Goodbye for Now,’ we’re like, you know what would be cool is if we just got a cool female vocal. And he’s like, ‘I got just the perfect person.’ And here comes little Katy Perry. She’s a little studio rat, she’d just come around, and such a sweet girl. You could tell she came from a good family, and just wanted to show the Jesus tattoo on her wrist, and she was like, ‘I think I saw you guys in a youth rally so many years ago.’ I’m like, ‘That’s so cool.’ But here she was in Hollywood trying to do her thing and make her career.

It’s like choices and decisions. We heard she made this Christian gospel record and all of a sudden here she is in Hollywood just trying to figure it out. That’s just the journey of life. So we’re good friends with her, she’d hang out all the time. She did Jay Leno with us and a couple of other TV shows, and we’d always see her in and out of Hollywood just networking and stuff. And who’d have ever guessed she’d be one of the biggest pop stars in the world right now?”

If you really want to, you can listen to the offending Katy Perry/P.O.D. collaboration below. It is WITHOUT A DOUBT a sound recording with motion picture components.


Look, I’m not trying to say that P.O.D. is directly responsible for Katy Hudson’s decision to abandon contemporary Christian music and pursue multi-Platinum superstardom. BUT just one year after working with P.O.D., Katy gave up on Christian music and released “Ur so Gay”, and “I Kissed a Girl” was soon to follow. So, basically, I’m trying to say P.O.D. is directly responsible for Katy Perry abandoning her Bible and wallet chain to pursue the Cool Teen demographic. Did it work out? YOU be the judge.
/it worked out.

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