Listen to ABIGAIL’s New EP “Far East Black Metal Onslaught” Right Now


The porno-obsessed black thrashers are back with more violent smut

Between Abigail and Barbatos, Yasuyuki Suzuki is the most prolific alcoholic black metal demon in Japan. Across dozens of splits, live albums, box sets, and LPs, it’s difficult to swing a rotting cat around without various innards flying around and hitting several quality Suzuki records. His latest pean to all things moist and unholy is Far East Black Metal Onslaught, a 4-track EP that will surely satisfy all you black thrash degenerates. We’re stoked to premiere it for you right here.

The A-side is pure satanic sacrament through blood and cum and nasty guitar solos. Opener “Unholy Beastial Fire” whips major fuzzy sack with a barrage of tremolo riffage, wah abuse, and blast beat desecration. “Nuclear Hammer” follows suit, corrupting all that is good with Suzuki’s inane shrieks. Compared the metal punk A-side, the B-side is pure rock and roll sleaze. “We Need Beer and Whisky” covers some of the same ground lyrically as “Ready for Fucking Drunk” from 2005’s Ultimate Unholy Death but through the lens of wisdom that only comes with age and maturity. Just kidding. Closer “Black Satan of War” brings the Venom vibes in the best possible way. Plug in and get your pull in 15 minutes or less. It’s a blasphemous good time.

Far East Black Metal Onslaught is out August 7th on Hellprod Records. It’s limited to just 200 7″ copies available for preorder now. You can also get one of 30 diehard editions that feature the EP, a tee shirt, a sticker, and a poster. Get it here while you still can.

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