Agoraphobic Nosebleed Continue to Reduce Honkies


The world was bestowed a gift this past Friday that seems to have largely flown under the radar. Decibel Magazine, as a part of their long running flexi series, began streaming the new old Agoraphobic Nosebleed EP, The Honkey Reduxion. I say “new old” because rather than an EP of all new music, this very brief EP features re-recordings of 5 songs from their first two full lengths, Honky Reduction and Frozen Corpse Stuffed with Dope.

If you’re like me, then you did not read the details when this was first announced and were totally expecting new songs like an idiot. Well idiot, the good news is that these versions are so good they’re well worth checking out (plus it’s only like 3 minutes of music, and if you can’t spare 3 minutes for grind, just die). The songs include “House of Feasting,” “Vexed,” “Withering of Skin,” and the two headed monster of  “Organ Donor/Someone’s Daughter.” While the sound quality is light-years ahead of the originals, the most interesting aspect is without a doubt the addition of the vocals of Katherine Katz. She has easily been my favorite part of the band since joining, so it’s very cool to revisit these tunes with her voice.

As for actual NEW music, the band hasn’t released anything terribly specific about their ambitious 4 sort of solo record project featuring music written entirely by Scott Hull. The latest Facebook update from early March said that Kat’s record was being mixed and that Scott was writing the music for frontman Jay Randall’s album next. Unfortunately, there isn’t even any idea as to when they might be released. Until then, show Decibel some love and jam the Honkey Reduxion EP below, and if you’re lucky, go catch their first ever live appearance at Maryland Deathfest later this month.

Go listen to this thing over on Soundcloud. Then compare/contrast the originals back here.

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