Photo Chop: 18th Edition


This edition’s theme comes from a smart, probably very attractive reader’s suggestion.

But first, let’s congratulate Ron Deuce on his win from our last edition:


I don’t understand it, but the Disqusing votes hath spoken. Ron, get in touch with me to get your custom voicemail greeting.

And now on to this edition’s theme, courtesy of J.R.™: Minor Yet Critical Band Name Alterations. Observe his flawless example:

JR_BlingGuardian_700Stab for embiggened bling glory

So go ahead & jump on Google images, pick your favorite band promo photo, modify a single letter or two in the band name and make an entirely new creation. For better or worse (probably worse). See above for “Bear Factory” fail goodness.

Be as creative as you wish, and I’ll give you a crazy voicemail message to the winner in return.

The rules:

  • Keep it safe for work
  • Be creative and use whatever tools you want; “talent” or “skill” is not required
  • Post your entry in a new Disqus comment below
  • Entries will be judged on the number of upvotes they receive
  • The winner will be announced in the next edition and can request a custom audio thingy
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