Toilet ov Hell Radio Ep. 13: The Jorts Episode


In this week’s episode of Toilet ov Hell Radio, Joe and Randall are talking about Smirnoff Ice, tiny jorts, overrated albums, and Father’s Day.

Music featured on this program:

Nuke – “Metal Inferno” from their upcoming LP Nuke out on Hell’s Headbangers on July 22nd. (Facebook)(Preorder on Bandcamp)
Beseiged – “Black” from their 2013 record Victims Beyond All Help (Facebook)(Bandcamp)
Crusty Old Toad – “Ashes to Fly” from Nefarious Occurrence (Facebook)(Bandcamp)
Reptillian – “Swamp” from Perennial Void Traverse (Facebook)(Listen)(Buy)
Lustravi – “O, Sanctifier” from Cult of the Blackened Veil (Facebook)(Bandcamp)

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