Toilet Radio 235: Pandemic! At the Metal Show


Wouldn’t you believe it? I’m in a worse mood than last Wednesday morning! Here are the topics on this week’s show: Breno started up his own podcast to flex on me and Jordo. It’s all about in-depth interviews with artists that don’t get much love. Hear him talk about Undergrounded like the JUDAS that he is. / There’s a hip new disease cancelling tours and festivals everywhere. South by Southwest is cancelled! Insurance companies aren’t granting coverage to touring bands! Service industry workers are getting seriously fucked! All of Italy, including poor Lacuna Coil, is under quarantine! Some dumbass bogan might have infected everyone at a Tool concert! We’re talking, of course, about coronavirus. Wash your FUCKING hands. / Politician + metal mashup shirts: Not great! / We’ve got piping hot old man BEEF between Bruce Dickinson and Rob Halford. Why? We have no idea! / Sabaton makes me want to bully Sabaton / A short chat about Ghost featuring casual racism against the Irish. It’s a good one, folks.

Music featured on this show:
Crystal Coffin– “Ride Through the Night

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