The Monday Press: Pallbearer, Plebeian Grandstand, Skeletonwitch, and More!


We got a whole bunch of news gathered for you this week. Get informed!

Lord Dying are touring the US with Black Fast, Child Bite, and Joel Grind, which I hear is a grind band that only plays 80’s Joel (not really) starting in August. Check those dates, and also some dates for Lord Dying, Entombed, and Voivod in Europe here.


Plebeian Grandstand and Pyrrhon announced a summer US tour.


I swear I feel like I am covering a tour of at least one of these bands every week, but here’s a reminder that the Psycroptic, Beyond Creation, and The Zenith Passage tour is starting.


Let’s thrash it up! Skeletonwitch have a new excellent song out. EP is coming August 19th.

Insomnium released the cover art for their upcoming album. Winter’s Gate will be out September 23rd.


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