
File to: News I never, ever expected to hear.

First things first: If you’re unfamiliar with Racetraitor, please read this extremely entertaining post. I’ll wait. Glad you’re all caught up and I’m sorry that you had to see Randall’s weeaboo trash. I somehow missed the news that Racetraitor, the extremely-leftist metalcore band that rocked VFW halls in the 90s before drummer Andy Hurley formed Fallout Boy(!), had reunited, but damn am I glad to hear it.

At a time when the openly racist alt-right movement has found a mainstream audience and a major presidential candidate, the world could use some more piss and vinegar punk. Racetraitor just released a brand new track, their first in roughly seventeen years. “By the Time I Get to Pennsylvania” along with “Damaged”, an older cut, are available for your streaming pleasure right the fuck now. Soon you’ll be able to pick it up on flexi disc from Organized Crime.

Why the new music? I’ll let Hurley explain it: “We had discussed playing a show or doing something else over the years, but nostalgia was never all that motivating, so the idea died. But with everything happening in the past couple of years, from the way things heated up in Ferguson, Missouri, to the rise in xenophobia and bigotry reflected by the popularity of Donald Trump, making new music with RACETRAITOR felt important again. We needed to respond to this moment in history in our own way.”

Racetraitor is playing October 22nd with Earthmover at Chicago’s Cobra Lounge. If I lived anywhere nearby I’d be there moshing with gusto. Follow Racetraitor’s new and improved Facebook page to stay woke/up to date with the band.

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