Premiere: Arallu are an “Oiled Machine of Hate”


Like a pillar of fire leading us through the black of night, Arallu return to guide us through the shifting sands and barren wastes of black metal. Today, we have the distinct honor of premiering a blistering track from their new testament, Six. Drinking deeply of the socio-political unrest  of their home in the Near East, the Israeli quintet are spitting black tar and burning hotter than a well fire after the Persian Gulf War on new track  “Oiled Machine of Hate.” Come for the sweltering tremolo, stay for the incendiary rage.

“Oiled Machine of Hate” opens with an unquenchable firestorm of a riff right from the needle drop, and it’s one of the most undeniable tremolo lines I’ve heard all year. Guitarists Gal Pixel and Omri Yagen play like possessed men, maintaining the unrelenting pace of that killer riff through the entire track while the rest of the band plays in the ash and baptizes you in fossil fuel. That undeniable riff, and the thrashy drum work and dogmatic vocals that support it, are an all-consuming conflagration sure to sate black metal fans who like it hot hot hot!

Arallu are more than a simple anti-religious black metal band, though. Like label mates Rudra and legendary blasphemers Melechesh (for whom vocalist/bassist Butchered has performed live), the band weaves their own heart and cultural experience into the music, lending it an air of authenticity and earnestness so often lacking in evil-for-evil’s sake metal today. Arallu member Eylon Bart is responsible solely for using traditional eastern instruments in the band’s sound, and although the darbuka is a bit more restrained on this track than on “The Universe Secrets,” it still grounds the band’s vitriol in a genuine human experience of frustration with religious extremism and greed. And really, it is that pitch-black rage at the state of the world that makes that killer riff that leads the song so powerful and present. Arallu take a good, hard look at both their past and present on “Oiled Machine of Hate,” reducing everything to cinders in the process. This is one to watch.

Six debuts September 22nd via Transcending Obscurity. You can pre-order it on Bandcamp! Be sure to give the band a like on Facebook!

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