This Toilet Tuesday (5/3/16)


That’s a big ol’ list of big ol’ releases. It’s Toilet Tuesday once again, and W. and I are ever-dedicated to bringing you the good shit (or at least the weird shit). There’s plenty more to be had than our meager four selections, though, so dig deep into that list and pull something out. There’s no telling what you’ll find and unleash to all our delight/horror!


Plasma – Dreadful Desecration (Rotten Roll Rex) [*gurgling sounds*]

This is just silly. I thought Shining Spear was joking when he referred to Plasma as gurgling noises, but here we are. Press play on that track. I’ll wait. Yup. Gurgling noises. Sure, there is some decent death metal going on behind those gurgles, but the gurgles are so prominent that nothing else matters. Do you like gurgling? Then I bet you’ll dig this. Do you dislike gurgling? If so, steer clear. FFO: Phyllomedusa, bullfrogs, pitch-shifted gore 5/5/16 (W.)

sun worship

Sun Worship – Pale Dawn (Golden Antenna Records) [Black Metal]

I touched on Sun Worship in my Flush It Firday article last week, but the name bears repeating. These German heliocentrists play fantastic black metal that straddles the line between corruscating Cascadian atmosphere and light-shunning orthodoxy with just a hint of cosmic progressiveness. Pale Dawn is composed of four long tracks each built upon celestial strings of notes that soar like Icarus ever higher and higher upon the solar flare of a fevered drum blast. The end result is a thrilling ride into the cosmos that reveals new facets of the dense music upon each listen. If you like slightly proggier black metal with world-building sensibilities, don’t skip this. FFO: Krallice, Wolves in the Throne Room, Fell Voices 5/6/16 (W.)


Bloodrain – V: Adora Satanae (Possession Productions) [Black Thrash]

If you’re one of those who likes their thrash with a little black (or their black with a little thrash), then look no further: Bloodrain have what you need. V churns out headbanger after headbanger, from pounding diminished thrash ragers to melodic tremolo-and-blastbeat passages. It certainly carries a lot of typical thrash and black metal tropes, but when they’re done this effortlessly and seamlessly, it’s hard to care. Jam this next time you’re feeling grim, but also need a Sadistic Ritual fix. 5/1/16 (Spear)


Scythia – Lineage (Independent) [Power Metal]
Listen to “Soldier’s Lament”

I don’t know a whole lot about Scythia, but based on what I’ve listened to, they’re a power metal band that doesn’t mind not sounding like a power metal band. “Soldier’s Lament” has more in common with Amon Amarth than it does with Stratovarius, but the majestic vocals mix just as well with the meaty galloping riffs of the former as they do with the bright optimism of the latter. It’s hard to say what the rest of the album is going to sound like, but if their past material is any indication, it’s sure to be a lot of fun. 5/4/16 (Spear)

Аркуда – Там выстрелы звучали… (Independent) [Black Metal]

Ashcloud – Children of the Chainsaw (Xtreem Music) [Death Metal]

Astralion – Outlaw (Limb Music) [Power Metal]

Black Wilderness/Ärid/Wounds – Trepidation from the Western Hills (split- Eerie Silence) [Black Metal]

Cadaveric Fumes – Dimensions Obscure (Blood Harvest Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Crepuscular Journey” (17:00), “Extatic Extirpation,”

Cardiac – Sangrar hasta lograrlo (Tenacity Music) [Butt Metal]
Listen to “El Sonido de una Generación”

Coffin Dust – Everything Is Dead (Unholy Anarchy Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Gore Ensemble,” “The Living Coffin”

A Constant Storm – Storm Alive (Independent) [Melodeath]
Listen to “Crushing Skies”

Cyphonism – Obsidian Nothingness (Independent) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Equilibrium in Chaos”

Dead Hills – Gateways (Independent) [Dark Folk/Black Metal]
Listen to “The Ancient Wall”

Drakwald – Riven Earth (Independent) [Melodeath]
Listen to “Erase by Fire”

Ellorsith/Mannveira – Ellorsith/Mannveira (split- Dark Descent Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Jerome I” (Ellorsith), ” Í augum hans sá ég dauðann” (Mannveira)

Enoid – Exilé aux confins des tourments (Satanath Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Je t’arracherai les cieux”

Eris – Alea Discordia (Independent) [Black Thrash]
Listen to “More Than Meets the Eye”

Fear of Domination – Atlas (Inverse Records) [Industrial]
Listen to “Adrenaline”

Firtan – Innenwelt (Northern Silence) [Folky Black Metal]
Listen to “Im Licht Meiner Sonne”

Glorior Belli – Sundown (The Flock That Welcomes) (Agonia Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Lies-Strangled Skies,” “Sundown (The Flock That Welcomes)

Grave Miasma – Endless Pilgrimage (Profound Lore Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Purgative Circumvolution”

Hån – Facilis Descensus Averni (Northern Silence) [Black Metal]

Harm – October Fire (Battlegod Productions) [Thrash]

Highborne – The Forbidden (Independent) [Atmospheric Black Metal]
Listen to “Astral Desire”

Hugin Munin – All Hail Odin (Independent) [Viking Metal]
Listen to “All For Nothing”

The Hypothesis – Origin (Inverse Records) [Melodeath]

Ibridoma – December (SG Records) [lolbuttz]
Listen to “Chemtrails”

Imperium – Titanomachy (Ultimate Massacre Productions) [Tech Death]
Listen to “The Unseen One”

Inferior – The Red Beast (Big Balls Productions) [Death Thrash]
Listen to “Own Your Honour”

Isolert – No Hope, No Light…Only Death (Ogmios Underground) [Black Metal]
Listen to “No Hope, No Light…Only Death”

Lacuna Coil – The House of Shame/Delirium (Century Media Records) [Gothic Metal]
Listen to “The House of Shame”

Landskap – III (Independent) [Doom]

Lucifericon – Brimstone Altar (Invictus/Blood Harvest) [Blackened Death Metal]

Lustravi – Cult of the Blackened Veil (Obscure Musick) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Evil Incarnate,” “O, Sanctifier”

Maleficence – Realms of Mortification (Blood Harvest Records) [Thrash]
Listen to “Pyre of Penitence”

Marauder – Bullethead (Pitch Black Records) [Belligerent Skeleton Memes Metal]
Listen to “The Fall”

Michael Angelo Batio – Soul in Sight (M.A.C.E.) [Heavy Metal]

Misanthropia – Omerta (Snakebite/Rock Inc.) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Omerta”

The Morningside – Yellow (BadMoonMan Music) [Death/Doom]

Musket Hawk – Desolate (Unholy Anarchy/Good Times) [Sludge]
Listen to “Candidate For The Knife”

Near – Own Sun (De Tenebrarum Principio) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Old Springs of Astral Matter”

Necromorph – Under the Flag (Defying Danger Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Workuta”

Nullingroots – Take Care (Maa Productions) [Blackgaze]
Listen to “Faded Days,” “Please Respond”

The Order – Rock ‘n’ Rumble (Massacre Records) [Rock]

Pyramido – Vatten (Absolute Contempt/Halo of Flies) [Sludge/Doom]

Rectal Smegma – Gnork (Rotten Roll Rex) [Pornogrind]
Listen to “Gnork” (NSFW)

Sacramental Blood – Ternion Demonarchy (Ghastly Musick) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Destroyer of Thought and Form”

Sinnery – A Feast of Fools (Pitch Black Records) [Thrash]
Listen to “Black Widow”

Skull Incision/YHWH – Paradise (split- Independent) [Sludge/Black Metal/Noise/Ambient]

Straight Hate – Every Scum Is a Straight Arrow (Deformeathing Production) [Grindcore]
Listen to “Self-Deception”

Ultraphallus – The Art of Spectres (Sub Rosa) [Sludge/Doom]

Ungod – Bewitched by Sins and Lust (Final Gate Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Inner Sight,” “Of Flesh, Blood and Brimstone”

Vektor – Terminal Redux (Earache Records) [Progressive/Tech Thrash]
Listen to, like, half the album

Did we forget a new release? Is there a way we could improve this list? Let us know in the comments below!

(Images VIA, VIA, VIA, VIA)

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