3 Hot New Tracks = 3k Hot Takes


Your thoughts on these fresh Revocation, Pig Destroyer, Horrendous, and Deafheaven tracks.

This week saw the release of a bunch of pretty polarising new tracks from some bands which have seen their fair share of buzz during recent times, namely Revocation, Pig Destroyer, Horrendous, and Deafheaven. Most of you come to the Toilet ov Hell for our fairly balanced output of fun/frivolity and trenchant music analysis. But let’s be honest, these days even some of the most reasonable people seem to crave the hottest of takes.

We see it evidenced in social media. Reactionary comments are met with counter-reactions, witty ripostes, aggro memes etc., and are consequently bumped to the top of feeds. The result often creates a feedback loop, which continues to push those posts higher and higher, generating a disproportionate amount of discussion at the low-brow end of a topic’s debate/discourse. So I thought today, instead of offering some boring-arse reasonable opinion(s) on these new tracks we could take a look at some of the disparate reactions to these songs. To protect the identity of those involved, I’ve redacted the names and faces where possible. Except where I didn’t.

and this final bizarre comment…

these three were all from one very confused dude, I’m not even sure he knows what albums actually are tbh…

So there are just a scant few of the reactions I’ve seen to these new tracks in the past couple of days.
Have you seen any that make these look comparatively tepid?
Got some of your own opinions on these songs?
Let’s hear them in the comments below.

Oh wait, I forgot to look for some on the new Deafheaven track. Let’s take a look at what’s goin…

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