This Toilet Tuesday (1/8/19)


It’s Toilet Tuesday once again, and we’ve got some sweet new tunes this week in spite of the fairly short list. Karhu and I dredged it for the best stuff, and we’ve got some solid picks here for you to check out. As always, let us know if we missed anything that deserves our attention.

Embrional – Evil Dead (Independent) [Death Metal]

Embrional won not only the hard approval of our recently abdicated former president, but our resident wizard of a lizard as well, with their sophomore almost four years ago. Their brand of slightly off-kilter black and death metal melded with dissonance would have seemed stranger and as such more attractive before our collective years in this cesspool of a metal music gutter became untold and numerous, but Embrional’s charm has not waned. Though their style has not much changed, only the dissonance seems more plentiful than before. It is now in their accessibility that I revel, though, of course, it’s accessibility in relative terms only. At the same time it can be challenging music, eschewing most commons song structures and consonance, but also relatively easy to get into an enjoy, and after so many years I delight in the fact that it is immediately recognizable as Embrional. 1/10/19 (Karhu)

Refusal – Epitome of Void (Great Dane Records) [Crusty Death Metal]

Do you dig crusty-ass death metal in the Bretonic vein? Would you like to hear Harmony Corruption styled riffs meet modern Napalm Death? Do you also get easily fazed by an album that only does one thing and would prefer if they mixes it up with some Yankee-style Yeehaw a’la Cannibal Corpse, slower tempos and darker moods? Well, brother, have I got the album for you. That is, in the event you answered with a resounding ‘Sir, yes, sir’ to each of the above questions, like the good little bootlicking guttermonkey that you are. Refusal has done this dance before but Epitome of Void improves on everything. Better riffs, better songs, better sound and more balanced, diversified arrangements. 1/11/19 (Karhu)

Extirpation – A Damnation’s Stairway to the Altar of Failure (Triumph ov Death) [Black Thrash]

Look at that fucking title. Gloriously, ridiculously pompous. Look at that logo, and the cover art and tell me you don’t already know you’re in for some kick-ass, old school, no-fucks given black/thrash. Well you’re wrong, you are. ‘Cause you ain’t. Extirpation plays an extremely fucks-given kinda black thrash that differs from the likes of Deathhammer in that their swift riffing never sounds like out of control or chaotic, over-speeding. Nay, Extirpation has full control of their madness and use every bit of it for advantage. Where many a peer would seek to frolic, gallop or even rock out, the Milanese men instead twist and turn more slithering and sickening riffs, never forgetting to have fun, but letting you have none. 1/7/19 (Karhu)

Mo’ynoq – Dreaming in a Dead Language (Independent) [Dissonant Black/Death Metal]
Listen to “The Collector”

Oh yes, I like this. You don’t hear a whole lot of this strain of dissonant metal with such well-defined riffs and even less with little sprinkles of melodic hooks, so Mo’ynoq stands out immediately in that regard. On top of that, the guitar tone hits that sweet spot of dirty and clear, and that growl is monstrous. While we’ve only got one song right now, based on the strength of “The Collector,” this will be an album to keep an eye on. 1/11/19 (Spear)

The Air Turned to Acid – Black Zen Instruction (Independent) [Sludge]
Listen to “Pinestripe Grey with Party Welts”

Althea – The Art of Trees (Sliptrick Records) [Prog Metal]

Amoderndeath – Amoderndeath (Independent) [Melodeath]

Ancestral Legacy – The Silent Frontier (Whispering Voice Records) [Doom]
Listen to “Precision of Soul”

Await The Desolation – Age of Desperation (Independent) [Deathcore]

Bloody Times – On a Mission (Independent) [lolbuttz]
Listen to “Fort Sumter”

Dioivo – II (Darkwoods) [Melodic Black Metal]
Listen to “Deus de Cristal”

Dreadfort – Sentinel of the Old Gods (Independent) [Blackened Death Metal]

Ethereal Sin – Kakuriyo (King Records) [Symphonic Blackened Melodeath]

Froststarr – Gottgesicht (Narcoleptica Productions) [Black Metal]

Lillake – Memory Lies (Independent) [Prog Metal]

Lost in Grey – The Waste Land (Reaper Entertainment) [Symphonic Metal]
Listen to “The Waste Land”

Murdock 13 – Hunter (Independent) [Boring Instrumental Metal]
Listen to “Mark of Cain”

Nailed to Obscurity – Black Frost (Nuclear Blast Records) [Sexy Death Doom]
Listen to “Black Frost”

Obed Marsh – Dunwich (Independent) [Black Doom]
Listen to “Lavinia: The Lights That Lay Before My Eyes”

Oppression – Le coeur plein de rage (Productiones Haineuses) [Black Metal]

Orchid – Miasma (Independent) [Prog/Tech Death]

Pale Hands of Cold – Down in the Sewer We All Became Rats (Karst Recordings) [Black Metal]

Saqra’s Cult – The 9th King (Amor Fati Productions) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Legend of Pururaucas”

Soilwork – Verkligheten (Nuclear Blast Records) [Melodeath, Kinda]
Listen to “Arrival”

Spillage – Blood of Angels (Qumran/No Dust) [Doom/Heavy Metal]
Listen to “Free Man”

Tytus – Rain After Drought (Fighter Records) [Heavy Metal]

Veiled – In Blinding Presence (Into Endless Chaos Records) [Black Metal]

Violblast – Theater of Despair (Hostile Media) [Thrash]
Listen to “Trivialization of Murder,” “Secret Reality”

Volucrine – Skywards (Independent) [Prog/Melodeath]
Listen to “Guardians”

The Walrus Resists – Sons of Gehenna (Independent) [Prog/Death Metal]
Listen to “Avaritia”

Wolfhorde – Hounds of Perdition (Inverse Records) [Folkish Metal]
Listen to “Doctor of the Plague”

Zpektraellotaen – Withering at the Hands of Darkness (Narbentage Produktionen) [Black Metal]

Did we forget a new release? Is there a way we could improve this list? Let us know in the comments!

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