Black Fast Enters the Studio with Erik Rutan!


Guys, guys, guys, I can barely contain my excitement! Black Fast, a St. Louis death/thrash metal band that I’ve been enjoying for years now announced on January 20th that they’ll be entering Mana Studios in St. Petersburg, FL. Their producer? Some dude named Erik Rutan! Taken from the official press release:

“I am very excited to work with Black Fast,” Rutan says himself. “They have a very unique style with a ton of energy, creativity, and a certain aggressiveness and fire rarely seen in this day and age of music.”

So of course this is great news for St. Louis residents who know the members of the band and have been supporting them for years, but you should care too. In 2013 they were voted “Best Metal Band in St. Louis” by the Riverfront Times. I nominated Black Fast for Best Unsigned Band In the U.S., and many of you dug them; but they became ineligible as eOne Music signed them shortly afterwards. Also, Erik Fvcking Rutan. Judge for yourself, here’s one of my favorite songs “Obelisk” from their debut full-length Starving Out the Light:

I dunno about you, but the first band that comes to mind is the mighty Death. It’s not uncommon for the folks in Black Fast to include lengthy instrumental passages in each track, in a similar fashion to Vektor (with whom they’ve toured before). The riffs are airtight, the solos are speedy yet melodic, and the screamy/raspy vocals should position them among the death metal elite in 2015. They’re hard working, talented, and incredibly nice guys to boot.

Aw heck, since you’re already here, have another great song – “Starve”:

If you ever get the chance to see them live near you, TAKE IT. Or if you ever want to venture to see them in beautiful St. Louis (LOL); I’ll be happy to buy you an ice cold Brodweiser and provide a couch on which to surf. Also make sure to check out their debut full-length album on Bandcamp, the entire thing is available for streaming.

TL;DR:  Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

(image via)

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