Review: Arriver – Emeritus
On December 2 of 2016, Arriver mysteriously dropped a surprise bomb on me with their album Emeritus. I had never heard ... -
Bells, Whistles & Blastbeats: A Review of Laster’s Ons Vrije Fatum
Is it just me or has 2017 already come out of the gates swinging? Isn’t January synonymous with down time? ... -
Mini-Reviews from Around the Bowl: 01/12/17
Once more we find ourselves at the beginning. Profound quote about how time is but a man-made construct. Get your ... -
Doomthousandseventeen: Gravestone Gardens pt.1
For all your depressive and prog rockin’ (?) needs. FFO: Shape of Despair, Cross Vault, Throes of Dawn -
Review: The DRX — Throughout Within
I’ve been thinking recently that extreme metal could use more clean vocals. Not a popular opinion, I know (I do ... -
Bump N’ Grind: Celebrating the Holidays with Elk and Owls
Look, I get it. The holidays are a drag. You have to spend time with family members you’ve unfollowed on ... -
Mini-Reviews from Around the Bowl: 12/01/16
If you like music and also hate wasting time sifting through it all, we’ve got you covered. Sit down, unbuckle ... -
Review: Gnaw Their Tongues — Hymns for the Broken, Swollen and Silent
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will . . . uh . . . cast out demons. -
Get Prep’d: Mediterranean Madness
Upcoming releases from some sinister Hellenic black metal bands and a debut album from Turkey’s future death metal kings. -
You Send Us Things, We Listen To Them: Sycomore – Phantom Wax
One of the things that brings me great joy from doing this whole blogging thing is when you write something ...