This Toilet Tuesday (2/4/25)


Cheeks descending to thy frigid rim, we brace ourselves for shock. Horripilation follows—as does a tightening of the sphincter. Perched upon thy precipice, we prepare to appease thy hungering maw. This week, we’ve got ragtime piano prog, sleepwalking Swamp Germans, and insect furniture. Let us plunge the depths together, and tell us what we missed in the comments!

Corpsing – Viewing the Invisible (Independent) [Death]

Ahh, the chyme-honored tradition of death metal bands making nouns into verbs. (Or maybe they’re into acting?) Whatever the case, preview track “A Heart Works, A Heart Hurts” lurches from the gate with disso-tinged death/doom riffing before collapsing into grind chaos. The songwriting may be relatively simple, but with surprises like the rapid, Archspire-style vocals and subtle noise elements (is that a robot throat-singing?), Corpsing keeps listeners guessing. Featuring guests from bands as disparate as Akercocke and Gorguts, this EP is set to crush and confound in equal measure. -Roldy

16 – Guides for the Misguided (Relapse Records) [Sludge]

Aeonian Sorrow – From the Shadows (Independent) [Symphonic Death/Doom]

Almucantarat – Infinity (Base Record Production) [Atmoblack]

Berlial – Nourishing the Disaster to Come (My Kingdom Music) [Symphonic Blackened Death]

Black .44 – Bloodlines (Inverse Records) [Groove Metal / Hard Rock]

Corpse Locker – Prime Evil (Independent) [Deathcore / Groove Metal]

Di’Aul – EvAAve (Minotauro Records) [Sludge / Doom]

Dream Theater – Parasomnia (InsideOut Music) [Prog Metal]

Eigenstate Zero – Shape of God Thought of Sun (Independent) [Prog Death]

Ereb Altor – Hälsingemörker (Hammerheart Records) [Black / Folk Metal]

Extinguished – Foul Stench Adoration (Caligari Records) [Death]

Fumes – Skeletal Wings Threshold (Personal Records) [Blackened Death]

Glasghote – Fallow (Independent) [Sludge / Doom]

Impending Doom – Towards the Light (Independent) [Deathcore]

Imprecation of Love – Withering Away My Dark Serenity (Independent) [Raw/Lo-Fi Black]

Inborn Suffering – Pale Grey Monochrome (Independent) [Melodeath/Doom]

Initiation – Noir berger (L’Ordalie Noire) [Blackened Death]

Klaw – Gods and Creators (El Puerto Records) [Deathrash]

Lavandula – Fuck Beauty… …Embrace Death (Independent) [Death/Doom]

Legado de una Tragedia – Lovecraft (Art Gates Records) [Prog/Power]

Lesath – Cold Silence (Independent) [Post-Black / Blackgaze]

Lärm – Into Perpetual Silence (Independent) [Blackened Death]

Majestica – Power Train (Nuclear Blast) [Symphonic Power]

Meat Spreader/Putrefaction Sets In – House of Maggot / The Extent of the Putrescent Crawling Swarm’s Digestion (Behind the Mountain) [Goregrind]

Morast – Fentanyl (Ván Records) [Blackened Death/Doom]

Niederwelt – Abart Mensch (Kvlt und Kaos Productions) [Black]

Noctambulist – Noctambulist II: De droom (Independent) [Post-Black]

Norilsk – Antipole (Hypnotic Dirge Records) [Death/Doom / Post-Metal]

Obscura – A Sonication (Nuclear Blast) [Tech Death]

Open Kasket – Trials of Failure (Independent) [Deathcore]

Otorten – Metsänkaiku (Independent) [Atmoblack]

Pathogenic – Crowned in Corpses (Skepsis Recordings) [Death / Djent]

Phrenelith – Ashen Womb (Dark Descent Records) [Death]

Rotten Terror – Patterns of Cruel Authority (Independent) [Deathgrind]

Saber – Lost in Flames (RPM ROAR) [Heavy Metal]

Sakahiter – Samnite Black Metal (Time to Kill Records) [Blackened Death]

Sarkasm – Carnival of Atrocities (Xtreem Music) [Deathrash]

Shagor – Lyksalver (Vendetta Records) [Black]

Sidewinder – March of the Eternal Heretic (Independent) [Death / Crust Punk]

Storm Death – Chaos Will Reign! (Suicide Records) [Death]

Stud – Under Silver Sky (Independent) [Heavy Metal]

Theoden’s Reign – Citadel of the Stars (Independent) [Atmoblack / Dungeon Synth]

Throne of Roaches – Chrysalis (Independent) [Death]

Trespass – Iconoclast (Independent) [War Metal]

Tristis/θoʊθ – Split (Fucking Kill Records) [Post-Black | Death]

Triune – S/T (Independent) [Melodeath / Metalcore]

Unreqvited – A Pathway to the Moon (Prophecy Productions) [Post-Black / Blackgaze / Ambient]

Vampenstein – The Terror (Macabre Mastermind Records) [Blackened Death / Punk / Bob Macabre Cinematic Universe]

Мерзкая Тварь – Кода Каннибала (Amorous Sentinel) [Deathgrind]

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